How to protect yourself against viruses
How to protect yourself against viruses What is a computer virus? The virus attaches itself to a program or file and spreads from device to device, for example by spreading disease. Each device inserted by the virus leaves the enemy behind. The risk of viruses varies from type to type. Usually, most viruses come in ...
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The most important competencies of information technology
Important competencies of information technology The word IT is an abbreviation of the English term (Information Technology) is everything related to the applications of modern technology to analyze, develop and build systems and improve the performance and productivity of institutions and projects, and when we talk about modern technology applications, here we mainly mean smart ...
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Learn about processors and their manufacturers information
Comprehensive knowledge of a computer’s CPU Important CPU terminology Multicore Initially, CPUs consisted of a single processing core (called Core), but now most modern CPUs consist of more than one core that allows them to execute multiple instructions simultaneously, which leads to adding many CPUs effectively over One slide. Almost all CPUs sold today are ...
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What is the function of the CPU inside a computer?
What is the CPU (Central Processing Unit) If you use a computer or even a mobile phone, you may have heard about the CPU before, and perhaps then you wondered what this term means specifically, you probably already know that it is the central processing unit and the main component of any computer, but you ...
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The most important software needed for Windows PC
The most important programs necessary After installing Windows on the computer, it is time to download the most important programs that every user of this system needs. Personally, after installing Windows on any computer, there are programs that I download. These programs are absolutely necessary because they are used daily by millions of Windows users. ...
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How is dynamic animation designed – Graphic Design
How is the dynamic animation designed? What is motion graphics? In short, motion graphics is a new term used to define a specific type of animation that combines both dynamic animation and graphic design to present and simplify information to the viewer by using text and animation, in addition to adding sound to narrate what ...
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Qu’est-ce que Google Analytics et comment ça marche – Primordiale
Qu’est-ce que Google Analytics et comment ça marche Google Analytics est un outil affilié à Google et est entièrement gratuit, et grâce à lui, vous, en tant que propriétaire de site, pouvez voir tout ce qui concerne les visites de votre site Web, tels que: Le nombre de personnes qui visitent votre site Web ...
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The best web hosting companies ever
The best web hosting companies ever Choosing to host for your site is a very important step, for who of us wants to waste time or money with hosting that is not good enough! Your success in choosing a good web host will save you a lot of time and effort and maybe a ...
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How to make sure your personal data is deleted before selling the device
How to make sure that your personal data is deleted Personal devices such as desktop computer tablet or mobile phones contain a lot of your personal information. If you are considering selling, recycling, or donating it to someone, you must ensure that all information on it is deleted correctly. So that no one can take ...
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iPhone 12 specifications price and features
iPhone 12 specifications price and features Who is Apple : Apple is one of the world-famous technical and computer companies located in the United States of America and is classified as a multinational company, and the nature of its main work depends on specializing in the manufacture, production, development, improvement, and sale of computer programs, ...
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