6 steps to create and sell your first NFT – marketplace
How to create and sell your first NFT NFT has made such a strong resonance in the world, that the majority of people are interested in digging into it and understanding it well, it is very crazy to hear or read in the news about a ridiculous picture being sold for just $1.3 million because ...
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What are the best cryptocurrency wallet companies?
What is the best cryptocurrency wallet? Certainly, many of us had the idea of entering the field of digital currencies out of curiosity or to invest in them, especially with the steady increase in the value of these currencies in the recent period. But many of the terms and concepts related to the field of ...
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Is long pressing the power button to shutdown the computer any dangerous?
The power button to shut down the computer We sometimes make mistakes in the way we treat our personal devices, especially when we’re in a hurry. We turn off the desktop computer, laptop, or tablet by pressing and holding the power button until the device is turned off. Some of us might even go so ...
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6 best and most powerful Linux distributions | support 32-bit architecture
Best Linux distributions that support 32-bit When downloading Linux distributions, users often find that these distributions only support 64-bit computers and that there is no 32-bit version of these distributions, which discourages some device users from… It contains the best Linux distributions that support 32-bit architecture, so you can easily download them and install ...
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Find out if you can install Windows 11 on your device
Can Windows 11 be installed on your device? An official tool to find out if you can install Windows 11 on your device Microsoft knocked on our doors to enter its latest version of its operating system under the name of Windows 11, the release of a new Windows version always leaves people confused and ...
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How is dynamic animation designed – Graphic Design
How is the dynamic animation designed? What is motion graphics? In short, motion graphics is a new term used to define a specific type of animation that combines both dynamic animation and graphic design to present and simplify information to the viewer by using text and animation, in addition to adding sound to narrate what ...
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Qu’est-ce que Google Analytics et comment ça marche – Primordiale
Qu’est-ce que Google Analytics et comment ça marche Google Analytics est un outil affilié à Google et est entièrement gratuit, et grâce à lui, vous, en tant que propriétaire de site, pouvez voir tout ce qui concerne les visites de votre site Web, tels que: Le nombre de personnes qui visitent votre site Web ...
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How to make sure your personal data is deleted before selling the device
How to make sure that your personal data is deleted Personal devices such as desktop computer tablet or mobile phones contain a lot of your personal information. If you are considering selling, recycling, or donating it to someone, you must ensure that all information on it is deleted correctly. So that no one can take ...
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Les meilleures extensions nécessaires pour Google Chrome
Les meilleures extensions nécessaires pour Google Chrome Google Chrome est un programme qui possède de nombreux plugins. Voici certains d’entre eux que vous devrez utiliser principalement: 11. Wikiwand Wikiwand vous offrira une excellente expérience de lecture pour le contenu populaire de Wikipedia. Wikipédia est bien connu pour son design classique et le plugin transforme les ...
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Top 10 des extensions essentielles pour navigateur Google Chrome
Top 10 des extensions essentielles pour navigateur Les extensions de navigateur sont des outils qui complètent le processus de navigation et facilitent l’utilisation d’Internet. Il le fait grâce aux nombreuses technologies que les programmeurs et les entreprises inventent chaque jour tout en les mettant à jour pour les améliorer. Voici quelques suggestions que vous devrez ...
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