The effect of ethernet cable on internet speed – super fast

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Ethernet cable length & business internet plans

Does your use of the Internet require a stable connection? Or do you want to connect more than one device in separate places inside the workplace or in your home, and the Wi-Fi signal cannot cover it? Here, the wired connection “Ethernet” or “LAN” becomes the best and most appropriate option, as it is superior to Wi-Fi in terms of the stability of the connection, as we explained in the article, the difference between using the Internet via Wi-Fi and cable. But using Ethernet is not as easy as some think, it’s not just a cable you plug in and you’re done! There are considerations to ensure a stable and fast connection, including the type and length of the Ethernet cable. The most important question is does the length of the Ethernet cable affect the speed or the quality of service as a whole?

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It is known that the Ethernet cable enables you to connect directly to the Internet or to the LAN of the router, and it consists of copper wires that pass data in the form of electrical signals. Since the Ethernet cable is made of copper, the electrical signals passing through it are weakened by the resistance, therefore, all Ethernet wires are limited to a maximum length. This means, that if you use an Ethernet cable longer than it’s designed for, you’ll notice a drop in internet speed and, at other times, a complete disconnection.

What is the maximum length of the ethernet cable?

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As you probably know, Ethernet cables are divided into several categories, each with its own capabilities and capabilities, the top priority of which is data transfer speed. For example, CAT-5 can provide data transfer speeds of up to 100Mbps, and as such, CAT-5e can deliver speeds of up to 1000Mbps.

All Ethernet cables, regardless of their type and capabilities, have the same maximum cable length, which is 100 meters. This makes sense because the deeper you go into the higher types of Ethernet, the more powerful specifications you get, such as better isolation to reduce crosstalk and thus maintain a stable speed.

Let’s highlight three classes that are an exception to the length limit problem: CAT -6, CAT-7a, and CAT-8. In general, you can take advantage of the CAT-6 class, whereas the CAT-7a class is manufactured according to specific standards, so it is unlikely that you will need it as an ordinary user, and the CAT-8 class is used in data centers, and with units that send data Huge.

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Although the CAT-6 class can provide speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second at a length of 100 meters, at a length of 37-55 meters (i.e. 121-180 feet), it can provide speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second, depending on on the intensity of electromagnetic interference. For the CAT-7a class, it can deliver speeds of up to 50Gbps at 50m length and downgrade to 10Gbps at 100m length. As for CAT-8, it has a maximum limit of only 30 meters and a speed of 40Gbps.

One last thing to remember regarding Ethernet cable length is “channel length.” Channel length refers to the entire length between a device (Types of computer memories, TV, etc…) and a router, switch, or hub. Therefore, if you are connecting the cable between the device and the router directly (for example), it is not possible to skip the total length, the same is with the use of subscribers to extend the length.

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Is it possible to exceed the ethernet cable length limits?

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All Ethernet cables are restricted to a maximum length of 100 meters, but this does not mean that the network size is restricted. You can use the switch to boost the signal, so you can transmit data farther. You can also use Ethernet to Fiber converters. Where optical fibers depend on glass wires and light to transmit the signal, it is considered less likely to deteriorate or weaken the signal, as is the case with copper wires, so they can be relied upon to transmit signals over longer distances.

Although Ethernet cables have a maximum length, this issue should not be a concern for the average user, since it usually will not need more than 10 to 20 meters. However, if you own multiple devices and need to run longer cables, it is important to consider the issue of maximum length to avoid performance issues.

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